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Seared Salmon with Lemon Wine Sauce


Total Time: 3 Hours


1lb baby red potatoes, or fingerling potatoes, sliced in about ¼” slices
1lb asparagus, trimmed / ends cut off
Two Salmon fillets (whole fillet cut crosswise into 8 – 10oz fillets, not the entire fillet. Ensure salmon skin and fillet is completely dry before searing in the pan! Pat / wrap in paper towels prior to cooking until paper towels show no moisture at all.  If the skin is wet, it will stick to the pan and will ruin the sauce.)
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 Tbsp Butter
6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or minced
1 – 2 lemons (2-3 Tbsp squeezed juice, additional slices to taste)
Fresh parsley, chopped
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1.5 cups dry white wine. Chardonnay is a good choice
Salt and pepper
Parmesan Cheese (Optional)




Preheat oven to 450F
Place potatoes and asparagus in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle with 2Tbsp olive oil, season well with salt and pepper, and half the chopped garlic.  Toss to evenly mix and coat everything.
Place the potatoes and asparagus on a baking sheet, evenly spread but tightly kept together, with potatoes and asparagus separately arranged together. Bake for 20 min.
Season dry salmon fillet with salt and pepper.
While the vegetables are baking, heat a stainless steel pan on the stove over med-high heat. Add 1Tbsp olive oil (or just enough to coat the pan) until shimmering, and sear the salmon, skin side down for 4-5 minutes.  Make sure the pan is hot and the salmon will sizzle and sear when added to the pan.
After 4-5 minutes, remove the pan, and place in the oven on a separate rack while the vegetables finish cooking for about 10 minutes.
Remove the pan from the oven (Handle is hot so use oven glove while handling) and carefully remove the salmon from the pan and transfer to plate and cover with foil. Be careful with your spatula when removing the fish and ensure the skin does not stick to the pan and the entire fillet is removed in a single piece.
Put the pan back on the stove over medium heat and add 1Tbsp butter to the pan. Once the butter has melted, add the remainder of the minced garlic, and the sprig of rosemary, and sauté for about a minute until fragrant.  Don’t burn the garlic.
Add the white wine, and lemon juice to the pan. Deglaze and stir, scraping up and removing all the browned bits and fond that have accumulated on the bottom of the pan.
Keep stirring over med heat until the mixture has reduced and the alcohol evaporates – about 5 minutes.
After the sauce has reduced, stir in the remining 2Tbsp of butter, and a decent pinch of fresh parsley until fully incorporated.
Plate Asparagus, Potatoes, and Salmon, and pour equal parts of the pan sauce over the two pieces of salmon. Garnish with a sprinkle of fresh parsley over the entire plate, additional lemon slices on the side, and parmesan cheese over the asparagus if desired.


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