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Braciole (meatball substitute)


Total Time: 30 minutes prep, 4 Hours when cooked with sauce in place of meatballs

1 flank steak
handful of fresh parsley (chopped)
handful of grated Parmesan or Romano Cheese
3 slices Provolone cheese (chopped)
6 – 8 cloves of garlic (chopped)
handful of Italian bread crumbs
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
toothpicks or butcher’s twine
meat mallet




Combine parsley, cheeses, garlic, bread crumbs, olive oil, salt, and pepper into a food processor. Blend into a paste.
Cut the flank steak into quarters (and again into eighths if it’s a large steak) and cover with plastic wrap. Beat steaks with a meat mallet until very thin, 1/4″ or less.
Lay the steaks out, and scoop spoonfuls of the blended parsley and cheese paste into the center of each, spreading them evenly across each of the steaks.
Once evenly spread, tightly roll the steaks so that the grain is going lengthwise of the roll, so that when it is sliced, the cut will be perpendicular to the grain of the meat.
If your rolls are small enough, place a toothpick through each one to hold the roll together. If they are larger, use butcher’s twine to hold them together.
Brown the braciole in a skillet with olive oil over medium heat.
Once the braciole has browned on all sides, transfer to a pot of sauce and continue to cook for 4 hours until the steaks are very tender.

Serve over pasta with meat sauce.

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